2008-11-01T15:10:17+01:00 Miami, USA <p>31-10-2008</p> <p>Arriving in Miami, first time. The wind is with me, we arrive 1,5 hours early because of it. On he airport I only hear Spanish and see mostly coloured and black people. I feel immidiatly at home. I guess it is that Obama virus. You feel included because you are diffrent, like him. Or in this case: everyone looks diffrent, talks diffrent languages, so I am no diffrent than the rest.<br/> In the taxi to the hotel I am struck b the skyline of Miami....I feel like I am in an episode of CSI. It is really true. I always thought the scenery and the colours were a bit exaggerated, but they are like this in reality. Wow....</p> <p>Southbech Miami. My hotel looks like a fancy discotheque. While having a beer outside I see all the cliche images of hip America in 15 minutes, accompanied by loud hip hop latino music out of every shop/restaurant. A parade of subcultures : skeelers, joggers, hiphoppers, soulbrothers, merds with small dogs, latino's in very sexy clothing, Afro Americans with large golden teeth, fashionista's, alto's, emo's, skinheads, studets, artist, gangmembers, bums and everyone looks around 20.<br/> It is halloween so lots of kids but also the older people are dressed up. Lots of witches and corpses but also French waitresses and a monk with an Obama mask. Even the dogs are dressed up.</p> <p>Besides from the mask I do not see anything elated to he elections in 4 days time. No posters, no billboards, just the tv talks about it all the time.</p> <p>Than I see someone walking with an Obama board and I follow him. I end up in the South Beach Obamacenter, run by very friendly people and Elvis, we make a date to start filming tomorrow and than the big moment: I meet Obama for the first time! He is tall! Picturetime.......</p> maartje nevejan ARTICLE news