Obama day<p>1-11-2008</p><p>Having a gigantic breakfast, while hearing mostly French and Spanish, so much French in Miami, or is it Cajun?Why?<br/>
Today we filmed at obama headquarters in Soutbeach Miami....a real cool place with real friendly people.<br/>
The long interviews will be on line in a week or three. But the short films are already on the website, check them out at comments of the motion of Obama....<br/>
My niece Alex is my PA this week, she is having her gap-year after highschool, 18 years old and half American. We had so much fun today. First we were really nervous to start filming, but while being caught in the act, it was just a lot of fun.<br/>
We celebrated with Giant cocktails but Alex was not allowed to drink. In the USA you have to show your ID or passport in order to drink or enter a cafe at night. You have to be 21. </p>
<p>What we learned today:<br/>
The blacks are for Obama, the hispanics for Mccain.<br/>
The jews from NYC are for Obama, the jews from Israel are for Mccain.<br/>
A woman from Jamaica told me that her Katholic church warned for Obama because he wanted to be the USA socialistic, like Europe, and he is a babykiller(because he is pro-choice).</p>
<p>Everyone has her/his own reasons to vote....people are not so hysterical as the media make us believe. They sound very balanced and careful.<br/>
People feel that the We-generation, see movie, is actually the spoiled generation.</p>
<p>Tomorrow we will go and meet the Republicans at Miami university, and Mccain will be speaking at midnight....<br/>
very exiting...goodnight.</p>maartje nevejan