,27-1-9<p>Second day. I am already in the same condition as what is commenly understood about Iran." Everything is possible as long as you do not speak about it, or show it on your camera".<br/>
I went o the thaeter, nice play about the sufi molla Nasrudin. People are actually fighting to get into the theaters here. I also had an anger attack, but managed to get in thanx to Neil, who is helping me out here. Than had a houseparty and met all these great people. Fantastic stories and the best entree you can have in Iran. Lots of atists and journalists. Everybody, also in shops, tells me how horrible hey feel about the whole world thinking bad about hem. For what? " Nothing, what did we do to you?". I have heard he same lines expressed to me in the USA, although it was clear for everyone what the gouvernement did. <br/>
Lots of paradoxes here. Let's take Gaza. On tv I see all these talks about the Zionist this and that and poor Gaza.<br/>
But in the theaters nobody talks about it. And people feel that it has many levels; Everybody understands that if you get missiles fired at you country, you have to defend yourself. But beiing for the people in Gaza, means lso that you are for the propaganda the gouvernement is using now to get people organized against an enemy.<br/>
An enemy is always the best way to connect a nation, so they are trying very hard to make the Zionist the enemy.<br/>
But nobody I meet believes the propaganda. We all have a gutfeeling about what is right and horrible abt this situation. <br/>
And than: Life on the streets is just goiing on. And I love the old mosaics and the Persian Carpets. And yes, it is very dangerous to cross the street, even for a person from Amsterdam.....nobody listens to the red light....just like in Amsterdam...the anarchy is in the traffic. Made a very funnylitlle film about it, but youtube does not work here.<br/>
Oeps and again my Internetcard is finished.... later.....</p>maartje nevejan