2011-08-07T11:53:44+02:00 sarah makhoana ntaopane <p>Am a lovin funi ot of dfs world type of a person LOVE MUSIC en avos lol I have ds crazy energy goin on dat sumtyms my friend think I myt b cho chooo BT none da less am as sane as dai cum Yeah Rite my weakness has 2b my Siblings if anythin hapens 2 any of dam Id die</p> ROOTS <p>Originate from Potchefstroom BT grew up in da Vaal</p> SCHOOL <p>Branch Manager at Shoprite group of companies am lovin it 2 hate it bt u knw wat dai say a gals gta eat</p> ENEMY <p>No Enemy</p> - 28.1263 -25.9992 PERSON