anyMeta 4.6.58 - Atom module 0.3.2 2017-05-11T17:05:38+02:00 Editors blog 2008-09-09T12:27:41+02:00 Happy everyday to you <p>saying goodbye to Beijing</p> <p>23-08-2008</p> <p>Time to say goodbye.<br/> Never thought Beijing would be such a cool place.<br/> I already miss it.<br/> Thank you so much everyone who helped us and participated.<br/> We will go back to Amsterdam now, and edit all the film material and put it on line.<br/> Pleasae register in our community and make your profile so we can keep you posted.<br/> Thank you people from the Yahstudio, Vinvent who will continue Couscousglobal in Singapore in november, thank you Been, Amanda, Jimmy, Sheng sheng, Xao Min, Jeroen, Waling, all the bands, all the participants in the discussions and all the rest of the crowds we met.<br/> CouscousGlobal exists only 2 weeks now, we already have 5 countries participating on the site, and visited our first country: China. We go back, nervous about what to do next, how to make the best of all you guys work and debates...Please let us know if you have any idears....<br/> We could'nt have picked a better place to start our Global network.<br/> All the ideas about you in China, that you would not participate, could not debate , that it would be dangereous, etc etc, proved to be false. I do not know if it is ignorance or a deliberate way to scare us about you as an upcoming country . There are lots of things we did not see, people we have not met , not focussed on, Lots of layers, lots of things to say, but for now 我爱北京 I love Beijing.....<br/> We will be back!!!!</p> <p>She she</p> maartje nevejan ARTICLE news 2008-11-14T14:30:47+01:00 Finally the Olympics <p>22-08-2008 Beijing</p> <p>After Gabrielle stood in line for three hours, we finally got tickets...I do not get it,: it is very difficult to get tickets, but there are lots of empty seats and we hear crowds of Chinese seatfillers are hired to look better on TV.<br/> Any way we are in and enjoy the Olymic spirit in the flesh, after seeing it the whole day on TV like you guys everytwhere. Especially the womens volleyball seems to be on everytime we have to eat.</p> <p>Boxing is OK, the crowd is nicer to look at. All the happy nationalism everywhere is quit entertaining...the flags, the winning the audience for you(the Turks are very good at it) the dressing all up like the Thai people, dancing in the streets. Also the graphics on the big screens are very nice. The best thing is the French guy losing, crying like a baby and having a total fit.</p> <p>As you can guess Sports isn't really my thing. But we have music again at night.<br/> &quot;Life Journey&quot; is called the band of Wei wei we met before. They are playing above the &quot;Cool record shop&quot; best CDshop in Beijing. Little round maps from coconut are put on the floor and in comes the audience, mainly girls, chatting and p-leying woith their laptops, camera's and telephones. <br/> I learned today that besides backpackers you now have Flashpackers, backpackers with camera's , Ipods and laptops in their backpack.<br/> The audience looks like local flashpackers.<br/> After a live song everybody looks at the clips on their laptops from the new CD untill the band falls in again with the laptopclips.....they are all having a good time photograping eachother, having a drink, swaying on the music.</p> <p>Interview with the band later:(whole interview will be available in a few weeks, here on Couscousglobal)</p> <p>Whats the songs about?</p> <p>Being happy, we want to make people feel happy, no angry. Also lots of songs about love and girls. And about how we hate school and education, it is all to hard for us.(2 bandmembers are still in highschool, where they have a very hard examn at the end before goiing to university which is more free than highschool)</p> <p>So it is a little bit like hippies?</p> <p>What is a hippie? </p> <p>I try to explain this ,. &quot;Oh&quot; someone suddenly says&quot; I know, I saw once a hippie on a dvd, with the long hairs&quot;. I suddenly realize, that a hippie is a very Western type of man, and part of our very Western society. China dealed completly diffrent with bourgeois elements in the sixties as the hippies did. They had their cultural revolution. <br/> So the people I am talking to never saw images of the hippies, not in the news, which was closed, not in the familyalbums, no parents or grandparents in hippie outfits, diffrent images. What do 20 year olds in the West know about the Chinese images in those days?</p> <p>&quot;We want to be free and have fun, love the girls, no more angry things, no polotics, just be happy.&quot;</p> <p>So we hang out and chill with them. It is nice.</p> <p>Later in the Hutong II buy the magazine 0086 and it is like an illustration of this generation, or is it the other way around? In a window I see a nice Chinglish text( Enlish coming from Chinese translations..)The Chinglish is a great poetry anyway.Happy everyday to you.</p> <p>I hope everybody has.</p> maartje nevejan ARTICLE news