anyMeta 4.6.58 - Atom module 0.3.2 2017-05-11T17:06:52+02:00 Editors blog 2008-09-09T12:52:35+02:00 Midnight talk with Wei wei and Been <p>2 o'clock at night in room 101<br/> 17-08-2008 Bejng</p> <p>Wei wei is making music. He writes his own lyrics and loves soft pop music.<br/> What do you write about?</p> <p>Wei wei: <br/> About my soul and the pain I have. I feel lonely, lots of my friends feel lonely. Our parents want us to work and earn a lot of money, but we just want to make music, hang out and feel our souls.<br/> The parents do not understand us and so we all feel lonely. But if I make music, that all disappears, it is beautiful and I am happy.<br/> But I do not know how long I can go on with my music. Lots of my friends gave up music and became serious. In the end we all have to be serious?</p> <p>When is that I ask?</p> <p>Wei wei: <br/> When I get married and will have my one child. Than you have to start being serious.</p> <p>From the website of a tvshow about Chinese young generation:</p> <p>China's young generation is riding a wave of prosperity and globalization. And this generation of Chinese youth includes more &quot;only children&quot; than anywhere else on earth. About 100 million of them have been born since China enacted its one-child policy, 27 years ago. One child per family has become the norm in the cities. And parents have poured all their resources and hopes into these only children.</p> maartje nevejan ARTICLE news