anyMeta 4.6.58 - Atom module 0.3.22017-05-11T17:04:57+02:00 blog on our Hit Vid Brittish journalist<p>12-11-08</p><p>“The drunk journalist case”</p>
<p>We have a Hit Vid for the last 5 days. Must admit that I did not know what it was when I first read this word.<br/>
Anyway we are all over the Internet in at least 3 continents now. USA, Europe and Australia. Bloggers report us on what sites we are….just heard that we are now on the biggest news site in Switzerland…in German….<br/>
Numerous sites are “ cutting and pasting us, baby”. But we are proud of it.:)</p>
<p>Must say that I did not sleep for a night about this all.<br/>
Was I the “trashy amateur journalist who should be shot” as some of the comments were on the Internet? <br/>
And how come that I am putting hard- work-movies on the net about young people in China, Africa, Holland or USA but that this accidental video gets all the attention?<br/>
Only a month ago I received an Emmy Award nomination for my last tv- series of Couscous & Cola, but nobody wrote about that in Switzerland or Australia. <br/>
But 3 minutes of drunken journalists babbling together about Obama, BBC and the Grasshopper and off we go…..OK, the guy appears to resigns on line...that too...:)<br/>
We had a quit interesting 5 days but I did not feel like reacting on line, just wanted to follow what was happening<br/>
on the Internet . But now a short first reaction.</p>
<p>Here it is:<br/>
I am not a guy.<br/>
I am not an amateur journalist, although I like the term.<br/>
I like Steve/Adam he is the best sport and a very funny likable guy and no, I did not knew him before I filmed him. <br/>
Yes, I did run in to him by accident the next morning and very happy I did, otherwise I would feel guilty.<br/>
Yes I would have liked other movies to explode like this one, but you guys don’t even look at “Hardnews crying”(part 2) and I think that one from Steve is really brilliant.<br/>
No, I do not feel sorry I did this. Nor is Steve/Adam. We both thought “it was a bit scary, very funny and a textbook lesson in the new media”. Just quoting….<br/>
So now watch the other movies from our site…..they are lots of fun!</p>maartje nevejan