anyMeta 4.6.58 - Atom module 0.3.22017-05-11T17:03:45+02:00 persons ( contact matching ) jansmaSCHOOLMy job/ school<p>Architect</p>ENEMEY<p>Lazyness</p>ROOTS<p>dutch indonesian</p>-Amsterdamnl4.8909552.3738PERSON favourite enemy<p>MM</p>SCHOOLMy job/ school<p>Global Inside; University of Amsterdam</p>ENEMEY<p>......</p>ROOTS<p>Amsterdam</p>-Amsterdam4.899952.3711PERSON<p>A Joy Forever</p><p>duh</p>ENEMEY<p>test?</p>ROOTS<p>Amsterdam, Oosterbeek, Gard (France), Acquoy, Oldenzaal</p>SCHOOL<p>Secret Agent</p>ENEMY<p>fanatic religion</p>-Amsterdamnl4.8909552.3738PERSON JoorROOTS<p><!--[embed youtube]--><object width="407" height="306"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="407" height="306"></embed></object><!--[/embed]--></p>SCHOOL<p><!--[embed youtube YAqE1DPGvK8]--><object width="407" height="306"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="407" height="306"></embed></object><!--[/embed]--></p>-Amsterdamnl4.8909352.3738PERSON<p>Netherlands</p>SCHOOL<p>Amstelveencollege</p>ENEMY<p>I don't like enemies, so I don't have them.... I think....</p>-PERSON Siegel-amsterdamnl4.8909552.3738PERSON grandson<p>rapper/producer, and entrepreneur.</p>ROOTS<p>American</p>--81.695441.4995PERSON jammeh<p>This person is a spammer and has been disabled. Apologies to anyone who received emails.</p>--4.027755.33632PERSON Alexander<p>Well what can I say about me except when you know me you know the best person you would ever meet(This what I've been told).I am a gentlemen and I am a Capricorn with a success mind frame, in other words I am driven. Just like P'Diddy I will make it to the top. I am a very respectful person. If I became rich and successful and it came out I wouldn't have a problem telling it myself and save the media time from messing up my name.</p>
<p>I am knowledgeable. I love the friends I have and wouldn't change them a bit and I am in High School, that is seldom said. I also love my family. A lot of people in my top people are my family. My family is strong and divided but I love them no matter where they live. </p>
<p>I am also big on Internationalism. I love meeting people from different countries. I love talking about different issues. I also use Skype a lot! It helps me expand my mind.</p>ROOTS<p>African-American</p>--87.650141.85PERSON