anyMeta 4.6.58 - Atom module 0.3.2 2017-05-11T16:57:15+02:00 match persons ( contact matching ) 2008-12-16T23:18:57+01:00 Ino Paap ENEMY My favourite enemy <p>My favourite enemy are the people who have favourite enemies</p> - nl 5.29127 52.1326 PERSON 2008-09-13T21:48:30+02:00 Julius <p>A Joy Forever</p> <p>duh</p> ENEMEY <p>test?</p> ROOTS <p>Amsterdam, Oosterbeek, Gard (France), Acquoy, Oldenzaal</p> SCHOOL <p>Secret Agent</p> ENEMY <p>fanatic religion</p> - Amsterdam nl 4.89095 52.3738 PERSON 2009-11-27T17:25:11+01:00 Sterre Joor ROOTS <p><!--[embed youtube]--><object width="407" height="306"><param name="movie" value=";fs=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><embed src=";fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="407" height="306"></embed></object><!--[/embed]--></p> SCHOOL <p><!--[embed youtube YAqE1DPGvK8]--><object width="407" height="306"><param name="movie" value=";fs=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><embed src=";fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="407" height="306"></embed></object><!--[/embed]--></p> - Amsterdam nl 4.89093 52.3738 PERSON 2008-09-09T18:56:40+02:00 Fidel Don - amsterdam nl 4.89095 52.3738 PERSON 2008-09-09T13:16:12+02:00 Rmay Khattab - Maastricht nl 5.68726 50.8498 PERSON 2008-11-05T22:27:08+01:00 alex <p>Deep empathy and compassion often lead me, not always the best guidance. I love so many people around me and am very thankful for life and environment. My dream is to use my good fortune (in terms of my educational opportunities and caring people that surround me) to give to others the warmth I feel as well as actual medical aid. Perhaps this is naive or patronizing, but it is what I feel I need to do.</p> ROOTS <p>half Dutch, half American. with Norwegian, Cuban, Belgian and French componants.</p> SCHOOL <p>Taking a gap year. Probably studying Medicine next year, but right now I just want to experience life. Experience it in it's extreme highs and devastating lows. I don't want to plan for this year, just go with the flow. Meeting people and free to undertake any weird plan whenever I feel like it.</p> - amsterdam nl 4.89095 52.3738 PERSON 2008-09-22T18:13:46+02:00 lisa ROOTS <p>I'm Dutch. Lutheran baptized.</p> SCHOOL <p>Nowadays, I'm studying music therapy. It is part ot the Social Work studies. (Creative therapy)</p> ENEMY <p>Myself xD</p> - 4.93269 52.3813 PERSON 2008-09-22T20:21:53+02:00 rozemarijn - PERSON 2008-12-03T20:41:21+01:00 Alisa Pitchenik SCHOOL <p>I teach at New World School of the Arts</p> ROOTS <p>Lafayette, Louisiana</p> ENEMY <p>Stiflers</p> - Miami us -80.1903 25.7743 PERSON 2010-10-10T19:01:27+02:00 Blaise <p>Hello, Blaise here. I fixed some bugs on this website for Mediamatic Lab (the company that created this website).</p> <p>I'm also interested on what's happening here, with the different topics that are discussed internationally and interculturally. </p> <p>Topics that appeal to me most are politics, diplomacy and propaganda.</p> ROOTS <p>Dutch</p> SCHOOL <p>Front-end web developer.</p> ENEMY <p>I passionately hate all Dutch politicians who belittle us by taking our freedoms in favour of being overly secure.</p> - Amsterdam nl 4.89095 52.3738 PERSON