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Editors blog

Just some stories of the people behind the scenes

This blog gives us the freedom of speech!!!! If you are wondering who we are, what we love, what we hate, where we are and what our dirtiest fantasies are...READ THIS COUSCOUS GLOBAL BLOG NOW!!!!!

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  • News

    Cleaning out the closet

    September 5th, 2008, posted by: Tarik

    Tarik -

    John McCain gave his acceptance speech last night so you, dear reader, probably think that i`m gonna talk about that?! I`m gonna clean out the closet. Sharply noticed friend! That is a saying. It means something like getting rid of your secrets, coming clean, cleaning house... Sayings often vary per country. Here in Holland we have the saying 'oude koeien uit de sloot halen.' No, don`t try to pronounce that. Roughly translated it would be something like dragging old cows from the ditch, or better yet: bringing up old sh*t.

    I don't know what it's like in the east, but here in the west it almost seems to happen on a daily basis when you turn on the news, right? Or am I going mad? Prime example once again: the presidential elections in America. A well known magazine depicted presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife as terrorists. he wore a turban, she had an afro, a machinegun on her back. That was something the networks loved to show over and over.

    My favorite - which I mentioned earlier: the fist...

  • News

    I`m not sure...

    August 21th, 2008, posted by: Tarik

    Tarik -

    Today is the 21st of august, Maartje is still in China and she has posted a blog about all the mischief she has committed there. Read that later, since my post is the first one on the page now. Ha! HAHA! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHH!

    But anyway: I returned from my holiday today. Or still I believe it is the end of my holiday today. Cause I`m not sure... call it what you will since I only visited a festival. However it may be: there`s a lot of stuff that needs to be done so I`m here. Better make the most out of it...BURP!

    So a festival you say? YES! Three days of music, theatre, literature, film, little sleep and whatnot. I`m still wandering the festivalgrounds as we speak... Mentally that is! My feet and legs wer...

  • News

    What about John McCain?

    August 4th, 2008, posted by: Tarik

    Tarik -

    Europeans always seem to choose the side of the American Democratic party when the presidential elections in America are coming up. That`s my opinion. Unless you`ve lived under a rock for the past year (my apologies if you really did) you must have noticed that the candidate for the Democratic party is very popular in Europe....let`s NOT mention his name, You know very well who I am talking about. And on top of that: we`ve already mentioned his name several times on our website.

    But every medal has two sides. So does this one in the form of the Republican presidential candidate John McCain. McCain comes from a military family, He served as a naval aviator during the Vietnam war and spent several years in what is now known as the infamous 'Hanoi Hilton' as a prisoner of war. McCain is known as a man with conservative values but he isn`t affraid to value his own opinions and standpoints over those of his party. He once stated that people come up to him on a daily basis...

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