Editors blog
Just some stories of the people behind the scenes
This blog gives us the freedom of speech!!!! If you are wondering who we are, what we love, what we hate, where we are and what our dirtiest fantasies are...READ THIS COUSCOUS GLOBAL BLOG NOW!!!!!
Mao live
August 17th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
Mao Livehouse Beiijing 16-08-2008
Today we first filmed Xidan 77th street, a big underground shoppingmall for the young people.
In the main hall a DJ was playing, it was full with people hanging out, not so much buying stuff as just being there. There is one big gameroom packed with all sort of games for different ages, also for the very young.Lots of drumming games. I will try to upload a small movie of one.
Afterwards we went to the Boers-Li gallery. In another artist vi... -
fake and real in Beijing artdistrict 798
August 15th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
especially for the Pal West group: remember our debate on copying?
Friday 15th of August
We had an appointment with Sheng Sheng, a documentary filmmaker in the @cafe. One of the big suprises of Beijing is that there are real art villages in the city. It feels more like Berlin in there than China. When I saw these art pieces thought of you guys from Pal West and our debate shown on this site" Copying is not allowed".
How real is fake? And is fake not as real as real?
Who is imitating who, and why always the West? And how do you f... -
A call from beijing
Chain: China Olympics
August 15th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
The first day of Cous cous Global in Bejing!
hip and young or what?
Present your movie on Couscous Global!
August 14th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
Spotted in Ghost street in Beijing >
Gabrielle writes some more:
While sitting waiting for our dinner, we were intrigued by these two couples sitting next to us. How cool they looked. This was Maartjes first taste of the young and the hip in Beijing. Don't you agree that they look pretty gorgeous? Even though they look very fashion conscious and pretty cool man....when I asked to take their picture, they were very very shy. (But I think they liked it ;-))
They gave us their phonenumbers so we hope they can join us ne... -
ccg hq in bj
August 14th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
Here Xuesong and friend checkout the Couscous website and are impressed!! Especially when they hear the kids from Pal West speak Chinese.
Gabrielle writes:
Couscousglobal visited the YAH studio in the center of Beijing today where they have very kindly offered us their space to use as our headquarters. Thank you YAH, for your incredible hospitality. And we love all your pets! The teddybear tiny dog, the ginger homeless kitten... -
Blog first day in Beijing
August 14th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
14 augustus 2008
Ni hao. We just arrived, Gabrielle and me. It is raining cats and dogs and I see people cycling with poncho;s everywhere. It is very quit, on the airport and in the streets. very clean as well. The hotel we are in is full with young people working there. We get our Beijng telephones and start making phonecalls to meet people and arrange our debate in a few days.
Here you see the ladies from the receptiondesk and the mascottes of the Olympics. According to some people the are the cau...
Massage salon Ying Mei
Amsterdam 4-8-8
Amsterdam, Massage beauty salon Ying Mei
After 4 weeks in te South of Europe I am coming back to my neigboorhood: in Amsterdam.: the red light district or what is left of it.
I am reading the papers, not only of today, but of the last 4 week. They are all full of Beijng , the sports, the streets, the polution, the human rights.
My head is spinning of all the warnings, all the “be careful of”stories.
In 10 days I will be in Beijng.The red l...