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My writersblog

Dear blogreaders,

Last friday I was at the Amsterdam International Community School to film a debate between ten students over there. The first part of this debate wasn't exactly my best part. I was nervously trying to be the new Larry King, but I wasn't at all. In fact, I looked more like Jerry Springer without glasses. The more I was running, yelling and squeezing them, the more they were nervously reading their arguments from little notes... Not a good situation to film a interesting debate, don't you think?
Well, this uneasy moment, eventually changed because of three reasons. First of all, we transformed the setting of the chairs. Instead of sitting in two lines and facing each other, they removed the chairs into a nice, comfortable and cosy circle (I really sound now like a stupid hippy, but I'm not...sometimes I can be very aggressive, especially to fans of Marco Borsato but never mind...)
Secondly, we threw all the notes away so that the students were more themselves during the debate.
Finally, I changed my attitude. When I'm in a chaotic and stressful situation, I sometimes transform myself in a arrogant and aggressive mister know-all...
These changes made this debate at the Amsterdam International Community School one of my favorite debates of our site. Thank you all and thank you for the nice coffee over there!

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