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Barack, Michelle and Couscous Global

Yes, our reporter Sasha, was present at the inauguration of Barack Obama as president of the USA. When Barack and Michelle Obama got out of the car to say hello to all the people in the streets they got out near Sasha. They were only a few meters away. Check out the video below to see how close she was to them. Also check out the huge amount of secret service's insane!

We hereby would like to congratulate all our members since you all are now just a few handshakes away from president Obama and the first lady of the USA.


Re: Barack, Michelle and Couscous Global

The first Lady Michelle! Wow, how lucky are we to see her and her family come to the whitehouse and live there. She will give an example the many many of us for a better future

4 Feb 09, 16:49 joaquim Rodriguez, 4 Feb 09, 16:49

Re: Barack, Michelle and Couscous Global

dagobeist ha,ha,ha people it was AWESOME!! and the credit all goes to my DC friends Welmoed Laanstra & David Corn!!

28 Jan 09, 23:33 sasha dees, 28 Jan 09, 23:33

Re: Barack, Michelle and Couscous Global

wow, (sorry, no words more than that)

26 Jan 09, 15:56 akiko, 26 Jan 09, 15:56

Re: Barack, Michelle and Couscous Global


23 Jan 09, 20:04 john, 23 Jan 09, 20:04
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