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From Obama to being gay

The international students discuss the upcoming presidential election in America and being gay in a globalized world.


Re: From Obama to being gay


i am a boy and i am a girl

11 Aug 09, 14:37 youtube comments, 11 Aug 09, 14:37

Re: From Obama to being gay


lol, i love how people make this assumption that every gay person is the same. It's like "I looovee gay people, they're awesome". No, not all gay people are awesome, there is no group where everybody is awesome. lol It's like reverse homophobia.

7 Aug 09, 16:08 youtube comments, 7 Aug 09, 16:08

Re: From Obama to being gay


First I thought what idiots these people are, then i realised that they are just uneducated and brainwashed from birth

22 July 09, 12:49 youtube comments, 22 July 09, 12:49

Re: From Obama to being gay

intolerance to gays is common. would someone be able to show more of this clip?

22 July 09, 12:48 youtube comments, 22 July 09, 12:48

Re: From Obama to being gay


lol you assume mixed nations are going to survive much longer

26 May 09, 11:15 youtube comments, 26 May 09, 11:15

Re: From Obama to being gay


hey! gays human too!!!

22 May 09, 11:24 youtube comments, 22 May 09, 11:24

Re: From Obama to being gay


so all gays like to wear pink?

22 May 09, 11:19 youtube comments, 22 May 09, 11:19

Re: From Obama to being gay


'i dont care if your gay, i just dont think you should be like, all open'
well i dont care if your straight, but i dont think you should be all open.

22 Apr 09, 10:40 youtube comments, 22 Apr 09, 10:40