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Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously

Chinese students to give their opinion on the motion "Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously"


Re: Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously


finally some chinese people that DON'T speak crappy english..

11 Aug 09, 14:42 youtube comments, 11 Aug 09, 14:42

Re: Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously


have you ever heard of high school sweet hearts

22 July 09, 13:10 youtube comments, 22 July 09, 13:10

Re: Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously


Title = Bullshit. Didn't even watch the video, the title is what caught my eye. Sorry but ive been in a relationship for 2 years and it's the strongest one i feel ive ever seen. Were going awesomely and in my eyes shes perfect and she seems to think i am too. Whoever made the title of this video is obviously wank with relationships and hasn't found the right partern yet. It doesn't matter what age you are wether your in school or not. So before u make a new title, Stfu and think about others.

25 May 09, 10:58 youtube comments, 25 May 09, 10:58

Re: Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously


Relationships should be taken seriously. Everybody is different, everybody has had different experiences w/ relationships. Students are humans just like everybody else. It is the partner who makes the decision though. Ultimately if he loves the person he would make the right decision. If he doesn't he's not ready for commitment & should break it off before hurting the other person. Live life for the moment in the utmost honest way, for yourself & others. Even if they don't have much experience.

15 May 09, 10:43 youtube comments, 15 May 09, 10:43

Re: Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously


are they Chinese students studying in China or Chinese students in an English speaking region?
Their oral English was really good given their young age. I think it is hard for ordinary Chinese teenagers to develop their spoken English to such a level? very curious here. I guessed they are sent by their parents abroad at a early age.

15 May 09, 10:42 youtube comments, 15 May 09, 10:42

Re: Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously


what an articulate bunch! a lot of truth

7 May 09, 11:58 youtube comments, 7 May 09, 11:58

Re: Relationships in school shouldn't be taken too seriously


chinese they are really funnnnnny ah !;p

7 May 09, 11:54 youtube comments, 7 May 09, 11:54
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