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How do you handle Gaza?


Re: How do you handle Gaza?

Human Shields: we desire death, like you desire life.

13 Jan 09, 13:57 youtube comments, 13 Jan 09, 13:57

Re: How do you handle Gaza?

13 Jan 09, 13:55 youtube comments, 13 Jan 09, 13:55

Re: How do you handle Gaza?

The real criminals in this sad story is the Hammas and all other Palestinian militants who are using their own people as Human Shield!!! Even in this video you are using children as your tool to gain public pitty.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Go build schools, strong economy, education, jobs, tourism instead of buying rockets. There is no other way!

13 Jan 09, 13:51 youtube comments, 13 Jan 09, 13:51

Re: How do you handle Gaza?

حسني مبارك أبلغ الوفد الأوروبي أنه ينبغي عدم السماح لحماس بكسب المعركة التي تخوضها في غزة ضداسرائيل.وخيانته وخضوعه لاسياده اليهود معروف ولا يحتاج الى دليل، حسبي الله عليه وعلى امثاله الذين ايدوا ووقفوا متفرجين على ما يحدث في غزه

13 Jan 09, 13:46 youtube comments, 13 Jan 09, 13:46

Re: How do you handle Gaza?

perhaps israel knows that the western media, being the staunch hamas appologists that they are, will only use their access to promote anti-israel, pro-hamas propoganda. perhaps they know that CNN and their ilk will only fake more videos like this one: /watch?v=Q9pRu-sRPb0

13 Jan 09, 13:46 youtube comments, 13 Jan 09, 13:46

Re: How do you handle Gaza?

You have a point. I was in New Zealand recently watching a channel TVONE. Their correspondent was in the same spot as the journos in the clip but he was wearing a FLAK JACKET to emphasise just how "dangerous" it was. I laughed and laughed...

13 Jan 09, 13:45 youtube comments, 13 Jan 09, 13:45

Re: How do you handle Gaza?

0.36 is the reason the media overwhelms us with Israel/Palestine coverage. Getting pictures, no matter how trite or unrevealing, is easy. They stay at that point film some bombing and are all scrubbed up and safe in a hotel bar minutes later. What's the chance of say getting nitty gritty coverage from Congo? NIL! Oooh no,... it's really dangerous there.

13 Jan 09, 13:44 youtube comments, 13 Jan 09, 13:44

Re: How do you handle Gaza?

US CITIZENS! You want the terrorists as bad as any other nations does. The biggest crowd of terrorists are in your US Congress...the AIPAC slaves. Time to get control and own your country back. USA is hijacked by pro-Israeli lobbyists. Terrorist state of Israel is committing genocide and crimes and break UN Law and Geneva Convention at the cost of USA's image. Don't be silent, throw the thugs out of the offices & replace them with real human beings, otherwise you will regret like Palestinians.

13 Jan 09, 13:43 youtube comments, 13 Jan 09, 13:43
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