12-1-2008, Moh the Gazan
12/1 Morning.
I won?t talk about the war and the Israeli oppression and the systematic international ignorance against Palestinians beside the fake face for the European political system and the non stop support to Israel mentally and financially. Israel believes that it is a natural normal extension for Europe. Europe has been always trying to be a role model for the world and many European nations have led revolutions demanding justice and freedom. European nations must stand all in and line up creating a tall strong human wall in the face of the Israeli discrimination and European free nations must show Israel that killing innocent civilians is not a selfdefence. Israel must be boycotted culturally, economically, educationally and ideologically and you all should do that because it is the way that you can do. Go outside and speak loudly to help there otherwise Israel will always be an extension of Europe but the departer [diference? ?NvdL] is than you will be an extension to Israel. Gandhi said be the change! Moh the Gazan.