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Questions worldwide to Iran

"What is it like to be a woman in Iran?" is one of the many questions you can watch here..


Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Well done !

6 July 09, 13:35 youtube comments, 6 July 09, 13:35

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


I watched the video and noticed a lot of questions which I wish I could answer. But, unfortunately there's not enough space to answer them all so let me tell you my own opinion about Iran. Iran is a great country,with a great history,civilization and culture. If you look at Iran's history you won't find ANYTHING common between Persians and Arabs.Don't be mistaken,Iranian are Persian,they speak Persian and do not practice in Islam like other Muslim countries.They are Muslim since they HAVE TO BE

18 May 09, 10:44 youtube comments, 18 May 09, 10:44

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


First I wanna apologize for impolite responses from some users. As a Iranian I'd like to thank each and everyone of you that cared to ask a question. Since there's not enough space to answer to all the questions at once I'll be brief. Most people have lost their hope in changing the regime, fear and poverty took away the courage to speak to fight for freedom from people. Future looks dark and lost for the majority. As for what genre in animation people like...I'm a fan of the animatrix...

14 May 09, 11:59 youtube comments, 14 May 09, 11:59

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Dear Sami, happiness is more an illusion for who has kept their eyes open after the revolution...we fear real happiness is lost somewhere in our past. I won't comment on politics...Personally I want to be friend with each and everyone of you..I respect who you are...I want to ask you to do not take what you have as granted, plz value the freedom you've got. Media does not represent what the majority of Iranians think or want, it's what the extremists want you to see and hear from us.

14 May 09, 11:58 youtube comments, 14 May 09, 11:58

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Dear Alex and Pasha(sorry if misspelled your names), no youth has no real power in political process, but in the media they show young people as the main participants. And there's no real happy day out as what you can have in Australia, no free beaches, pubs or nightclubs, so mostly party in the houses is the main happy day for the youth in Iran! I know it's odd. The police serves and protects the government not the people here. Thanks for your time..hope to hear from you in the future.

14 May 09, 11:57 youtube comments, 14 May 09, 11:57

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


SO MANY OF THESE QUESTIONS ARE SO STUPID. The reason why they sensor the internet is so obvious. look at the preverted world we're living in now. ARE U AMERICANS PROUD OF UR STD RATE, UR RAPE RATE, AND DIVORCE RATES???? When u sensor preverted websites it's good for the YOUTH in the society. NOT ALL PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD WANT TO HAVE THE KIND OF FREEDOM U CLAIM OF HAVING. Where evry one is allowed to commit any immoral act.

14 May 09, 11:56 youtube comments, 14 May 09, 11:56

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


these are retarded people and their questions are dumb

11 May 09, 12:12 youtube comments, 11 May 09, 12:12

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


I will answer all these dumb ass questions in one sentence.
Iran was/is/ and will always be the best country on the planet.
Fuck everyone else.

7 May 09, 11:55 youtube comments, 7 May 09, 11:55

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Iran is like any other country on this planet, we have many people with many ideologies. Although the majority of people there are Muslims, we have Jews, Christians, and other religions living together. There we have also many people who are atheist like me.

The only negative point of Iran is it's theocratic type of government which comes from Islam which is the religion of the majority of the population in Iran. So although almost many people does not agree with the system, the have to obey

7 May 09, 11:43 youtube comments, 7 May 09, 11:43

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Persian people unlike Arabs are not prejudice about their religion. Their presidents does not represent their country and as far as i know since he made some bad decisions which affected many people lives, majority of people in Iran they dont like him.

There are basically various genres of musics in Iran; traditional music, pop rock and rap musics but they are mostly underground type of musics.

But in general Iran is a country with 2500 years of civilization, which looks like any other country

7 May 09, 11:43 youtube comments, 7 May 09, 11:43

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


i realy confuse when i see this people. i couldn't see any logical question. i realy found the foreigners of iran are in dream or galexy not in real world...!!!! hope god bless them

27 Apr 09, 10:48 youtube comments, 27 Apr 09, 10:48

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


24 Apr 09, 17:53 Erik Punt, 24 Apr 09, 17:53

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


guess what?....fuck iran and it's president.. israel rules

24 Apr 09, 10:26 youtube comments, 24 Apr 09, 10:26

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Interesting video,for the most part the questions sounded reasonable to me.There were only a few stupid questions.I liked this video,and I love Iran!

15 Apr 09, 12:05 youtube comments, 15 Apr 09, 12:05

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


I agree!

15 Apr 09, 12:01 youtube comments, 15 Apr 09, 12:01

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


safer hahaha yeah america is so safe, bullshit

14 Apr 09, 10:32 youtube comments, 14 Apr 09, 10:32

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Vice versa. But you can replace Iran with traitors like you.

9 Apr 09, 11:02 youtube comments, 9 Apr 09, 11:02

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Vice versa. But you can replace Iran with traitors like you.

9 Apr 09, 11:01 youtube comments, 9 Apr 09, 11:01

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


we take over middle east and control it, simple as that.

8 Apr 09, 10:37 youtube comments, 8 Apr 09, 10:37


2 Apr 09, 15:47 Marjolein Kassenaar, 2 Apr 09, 15:47

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


I find it fascinating that we react and get all worked up to comments or misperceptions that people of other nationalities have of us, but then we say the same things, sometimes even worse to people of other nationalities...e.g. Arab va afghani fohshan too zaboone Farsi...I also think if more Iranians who live outside of Iran would befriend more non-Persians, maybe we could change people's perception of us as a

1 Apr 09, 10:48 youtube comments, 1 Apr 09, 10:48

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


The voting system in Iran is bullshit.

30 Mar 09, 10:30 youtube comments, 30 Mar 09, 10:30

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


NO ONE FROM IRAN SUICIDE BOMBS! Firstly, Shia muslims are not idiots. Iran is being smart about what their doing, they're gonna get what they want, and still not have one casualty.

25 Mar 09, 11:01 youtube comments, 25 Mar 09, 11:01

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


they want to demonize iranians and make em think that iran is same as afghanistan or wtf. we dont give a fuck. nuclear energy is important for iran and israel zionazis need stfu cos since jews came to middle east only fucking wars came

24 Mar 09, 12:11 youtube comments, 24 Mar 09, 12:11

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


First of all I should say the following answers is my opinions and every individual has his or her own unique opinion about the current situation in Iran
How do we keep hope ? I personally keep hope for a free referendum under the control of UN forces and hope for change cause life is about changing.
How it is that Obama has been elected? I am happy as he is moderate compared to republicans and he knows what he is talking about at least he knows that Ahmadinejad is not the leader of Iran and the leader is Khameneyi . In fact Ahmadinejad is only the president or better to say Khameneyies dog!!
What is it like to be a woman in Iran ? To be a woman in Iran is the same as every other place I should say the only difference is the dress code we have which for me is annoying but there are other women who chose this way of dressing themselves.
As an Iranian woman I went to university learned different languages went to sport classes and art classes and was working till the day I left Iran so I was active in the society . But I am against Islamic dress code.
Do you think may be some times you wished to live in another country? I did wish to live in other countries and I did left Iran seeking better life and starting from 0 in the new environment I faced many problems regarding work permit, racism, and white people never treated me as a human being they always tell me that I am different despite the fact that my skin is white as theirs even my husband which is Scottish always tells me that I look Indian as I have very dark brown hair. Life here ( In UK) is good for natives not for immigrants. Like Farsi poem says this house is beautiful but it is not mine.
I always miss Iran and will go back one day. Ps there is no war in Iran yet!! So it is safe to live there. But it has its own unique problems.
What kind of movie we like: I myself like drama I like Iranian movies French movies and European movies some movies from Hollywood but when I was in Iran many guys liked action Hollywood movies and girls liked love stories and my brother loved science fiction movies so it depends on the people but I say we get all Hollywood movies easily out there some even in TV. Or even in some cinemas!!
What your view point is on Israel? I think the conflict between Jews and Arabs is never ending as they dont like each other and they never did although to me they are like cousins they are both from Isaac and Ishmael Abrahams sons hehe I think they better learn to love and live peacefully. Jews in Iran live there for more than 2000 years and we never treated them bad. The ownership of holly lands and the promised land is the base of all the problems. Live together and let them live. Dont kill live !!!
How we will be 4 years from now?hopefully we will have free election and things will get better.
Do we want democratic government? We are fighting for democratic government for more that 150 years and our democratic government which was formed by mossadegh In 1951 Was deposed by foreign politicians. Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh was elected as prime minister. As prime minister, Mossadegh became enormously popular in Iran after he nationalized Iran's oil reserves. In response, Britain embargoed Iranian oil and, amidst Cold War fears, invited the United States to join in a plot to depose Mossadegh, and in 1953 President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized Operation Ajax. The operation was successful, and Mossadegh was arrested on 19 August 1953. After Operation Ajax, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's rule became increasingly autocratic. With American support, the Shah simultaneously crushed all forms of political opposition with his intelligence agency, SAVAK.
What do we think about Americans ? I think they are open, friendly, laud, a bit simple ( some of them not all !!), they dont travel that much, they love fast food and dont have good taste in fashion. Many of them are huge and fat hehe.
Is our palaces filled with Jewels: Palaces are beautiful not filled by jewels !!
What is it like to be Armenian in Iran ? they have churches schools and sport center they do their religious ceremony and they are the ones that celebrate xmas in Iran however there are Muslim Iranian who celebrate xmas as well. They are allowed to dress freely when they are in their own center Ararat club in Tehran. They are very good in music and famous to be artist and good cooks.
The censorship on the internet: young Iranians are expert to pass the filtering and get what they want so filtering is useless.
Do we like electronic music what is our favorite DJ? I know many guys in Iran which listen to electronic music but I personally dont listen to this type of music.
Did the economic situation of USA effected Iran ? Yes it did effect indirectly but the US sanctions had greater effect.
Dose Ahmadinejad represent the whole country? no he does not as in last election out of 47 million people who where eligible to vote 20 million decided not to take part in the election as it was not free ( I was one of them ) and 27 million did vote the total of
7 million in the first round and 10 million in the second round voted for him. The fact is out of these people there are many people are now against him so I can easily say most of Iranians dont want him lets say 30 million dont want him. Plus there was a big cheating going on in the past election even Khatami our reformist president warned about these cheatings.
Is Obama going to change the situation ? Obama might talk with Mollas and find a solution to their nuk program but he wont bring freedom for us Iranians.
The music bands we have: Farzad golpaygani has a progressive metal band in Iran have a look at his webpage I listen to Namjoo, axiom of choice, Niyaz, cyminology, kiosk, and other Iranian bands.
Will Iran use weapons of massdistruction against USA : Iran has not invaded any country for the last 200 years were as USA has invaded 39 countries over the last 57 years and has troops and military camps in many countries in fact after collapse of Russia USA is the only super power in the world and the first with nuclear weapons so if any country we should be scared of is USA! Get alive please.
We bomb we kill we are suicide bombers we bring religion to our race? in fact there is not even one suicide bomber with Iranian origin but lets have a look, there are 1.2 billion, they represent about 22% of the world's population how many of them are suicide bomber or killer? And how many they killed? But how many people died in war on terror? 62,006 confirmed directly killed. 98,000 deaths due to extra mortality.In May, a survey by the Iraq government and Unicef reported that a quarter of all Iraqi children suffer from malnutrition.
In Afghanistan, the most reliable recorder of civilian deaths is Professor Marc Herold, whose latest figures range from 4,541 to 5,308. He does not include those who die subsequently from their injuries or in refugee camps.These "indirect" deaths have been put at anything from 8,000 to 20,000. More accurate are estimates of refugee numbers. In July, the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants said there were 2.2 million Afghans who had fled abroad and at least 153,200 displaced internally. For Iraq, there were 888,700 external refugees, and 1.3 million people displaced inside the country. An estimated 40 per cent of the Iraqi middle class have left Iraq.
Beyond the blood price, there is a dollar and sterling cost. In July it was reported that the US Congress had approved $437bn (£254bn) for costs related to the "war on terror". This, a sum greater than those spent on the Korean and Vietnam wars, compares to the $375bn that Make Poverty History says is needed to clear the debts of the world's poorest nations. The British Government has spent £4.5bn on Iraq and Afghanistan.
We can see if the terror started if the Alqaede or suicide bomber became active it was because of Russian invasion and killing Muslims in Bosnia Chechnya and anistan and so on can they not say it was self defense!!lthough I AM AGAINST ALL THESE VIOLENCE AND I WANT IT TO STOPPPP !! but I dont see the invaders innocent however I am happy that there is no SADDAM any more and hoping that there wont be any Alghaede soon. At the end I should say the main looser of this terror game are Muslims and Middle Eastern so its better to stop terrorism and bring back peace to the region.
Are we involved in our political process ?I dont cause it is pricey but many people do !
What is a pleasant day for us a happy day in Iran? For me it is when I go for a walk with my dog or for a swim in my house in a hot summer day eating the best melons and fruit of the entire world or if I go skiing in a cold winter day in Dizin or Tochal . when I have a privet party with my friends . Yalda nights reading poems and drinking wine. Chaharshanbe soori and Nourooz are the best.
I have to add I and worried about Tehrans pollution, and terrific. Also I am worried about the economy of Iran. I want a free Iran where lots of tourists could come to visit it and enjoy the unique landscapes and food we have. My message to the world is to never believe media propaganda !!

13 Mar 09, 17:49 youtube comments, 13 Mar 09, 17:49

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


even if it was the Arabs are the ones that do it not the Iranians

11 Mar 09, 10:41 youtube comments, 11 Mar 09, 10:41

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


LOL kos kos? U didnt find any name better than this! U know what it mean in persian?

9 Mar 09, 10:47 youtube comments, 9 Mar 09, 10:47

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


C'mon, tell me this video is made in support of Iran?! Tell me it just wants to prove how brainwashed the whole dumb world is in regards to Iran?! It's a damn joke! Those who've never seen Iran, should just shut the f up! Iran is fantastic, nothings wrong with it, and people are satisfied... That's why they've stood up for their country for years. If you've not been to Iran, don't dare comment about how sad life is in Iran. It sure is fantastic.... You're all brainwashed by the western media!

9 Mar 09, 10:45 youtube comments, 9 Mar 09, 10:45

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


DO u work for Iranian Goverment , i mean Islamic Republic of iran?! because i feel like this!!!

2 Mar 09, 10:43 youtube comments, 2 Mar 09, 10:43

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


aha! that's why more than 60% of iranian vote?!

25 Feb 09, 10:33 youtube comments, 25 Feb 09, 10:33

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Israel is killing inncoent people look up the real videos don't watch fox

18 Feb 09, 16:05 youtube comments, 18 Feb 09, 16:05

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


The dude who is asking about Ahmadinejad and thinks Iranians speak Arabic will not get his question answered; Iranians speak Persian

13 Feb 09, 14:09 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:09

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Iran is the best country in the world and we are all happy and pride of living in Iran

13 Feb 09, 14:09 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:09

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


It's clear that people are suffering and they have no power agains this dictator ship and it's not a good feeling to be a woman in islamic republic not in Iranian culture.
There is no need to be questioned and some uneducated people say that the bombing and killing is part of their culture and heritage in MidEast!

13 Feb 09, 14:08 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:08

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


wtf?! world war and atomic bomb and oil war,and slavery and genocide for diamond and .... are all the heritage of "Civil world" since 100 years ago

13 Feb 09, 14:08 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:08

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


continued: and in Iran people believe Israel should return the occupied territories to the Palestinians. Also ahmadinejad is mostly against the zionist leaders not the jewish people who are brought to the israel by the zionists. He also did not deny Holocaust he said holocaust is exaggerated by the zionists to justify attack on Palestine, and he asked for neutral research on it .
Do we like a democratic regime? ofcourse, and no it's not OK now since elections are totally manipulated. continue

13 Feb 09, 14:06 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:06

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


continued: and in Iran people believe Israel should return the occupied territories to the Palestinians. Also ahmadinejad is mostly against the zionist leaders not the jewish people who are brought to the israel by the zionists. He also did not deny Holocaust he said holocaust is exaggerated by the zionists to justify attack on Palestine, and he asked for neutral research on it .
Do we like a democratic regime? ofcourse, and no it's not OK now since elections are totally manipulated. continue

13 Feb 09, 14:06 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:06

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


What do we think about Americans? We like good americans and dislike people like Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Hillary the terminator :)
Yes, the Shah's palaces are beautiful, has gardens & the jewels are now displayed in museums.
What is it like to be Armenian in Iran?My best friends were Armenian & Assyrian, they live normally just like any other Iranian ofcourse like most of us they don't like fanatics.
Regarding internet censorship? Iranians find the information somehow, inquisitive minds

13 Feb 09, 14:05 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:05

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


What do we think about Americans? We like good americans and dislike people like Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Hillary the terminator :)
Yes, the Shah's palaces are beautiful, has gardens & the jewels are now displayed in museums.
What is it like to be Armenian in Iran?My best friends were Armenian & Assyrian, they live normally just like any other Iranian ofcourse like most of us they don't like fanatics.
Regarding internet censorship? Iranians find the information somehow, inquisitive minds

13 Feb 09, 14:05 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:05

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Do we like electronic music, DJs? Iranian teens like it but we just listen to them we don't care much who the DJs are.
How did US economic situation and past president Affect us? economics didn't affect Iran much since we don't have direct relations with US but Bush's attack on Iraq and Afghanistan terrorized our people thinking US is going to bomb us next.
Does ahmadinejad represent the whole country? NO. He only represents himself and his few followers, some like his tough positions.

13 Feb 09, 14:04 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:04

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


People in Iran have no rights.Iranian government does not care about its own people.Most of the Iranians hate Ahmadinejad & the leader .

13 Feb 09, 14:01 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:01

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


People in Iran have no rights.Iranian government does not care about its own people.Most of the Iranians hate Ahmadinejad & the leader .

13 Feb 09, 14:01 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:01

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran

helpcentrum | e-mailopties | spam melden

First of all I should say the following answers is my opinions and every individual has his or her own unique opinion about the current situation in Iran
How do we keep hope ? I personally keep hope for a free referendum under the control of UN forces and hope for change cause life is about changing.

13 Feb 09, 14:00 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:00

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran

helpcentrum | e-mailopties | spam melden

First of all I should say the following answers is my opinions and every individual has his or her own unique opinion about the current situation in Iran
How do we keep hope ? I personally keep hope for a free referendum under the control of UN forces and hope for change cause life is about changing.

13 Feb 09, 14:00 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 14:00

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran

13 Feb 09, 13:39 youtube comments, 13 Feb 09, 13:39

Re: Questions worldwide to Iran


Do we think a new era of diplomacy is in the horizon? We hope so, nobody is sure yet. Obama bowed to AIPAC and repeated Bush'es lies regarding Iran's pursuing nukes so we're doubtful.
Would Iran use weapons of mass destruction to start a war with US? Never, Iran hasn't attacked any country for over 200 years, Bush forgot to mention that while he was pursuing wars. OK thats up to time 5:00

10 Feb 09, 11:02 youtube comments, 10 Feb 09, 11:02
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