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I just hate the media about South Africa

Couscous Global visited some kids from Soweto to talk about the way South Africa is represented in media.
Thanks to Butterflyworks and Phaphama initiatives for their great help!
Also thanks to Darren Carter for editing this video.


Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


shit white ppl dont care about shit we try to help the world and everyone walks around callin us stupid and racist well fuck all u see if u can live with out white ppl ass fuck

21 July 09, 15:31 youtube comments, 21 July 09, 15:31

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


white people need to fuck off off

16 July 09, 13:49 youtube comments, 16 July 09, 13:49

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


do south africans have an identity problem? the only south africans i think i would like are the zulu's.they seem to be more real, more African

1 July 09, 15:25 youtube comments, 1 July 09, 15:25

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


the media, particularly the western media would like to portray the image that since south africa changed gov, its gone down, yet all people can now vote. Its funny they never reported much on south africa when it was a racist apartheid where people were denied an education

1 July 09, 15:25 youtube comments, 1 July 09, 15:25

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


close the gap betwwen black southafrians and other black africans, the fight is not with white

19 May 09, 10:50 youtube comments, 19 May 09, 10:50

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


Southafricans must start travelling to other African countries so they can understand how to live with others and generally how to mix, they are very different from other Africans in a strange way, so they are separate which is still apartheid.

19 May 09, 10:50 youtube comments, 19 May 09, 10:50

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


Nice video, quite informative.

Phil from FABAOtv

19 May 09, 10:50 youtube comments, 19 May 09, 10:50

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


well for one black people are barbaric and uncivilized and inferior to white people or any other race for that matter. I mean what have black people ever achieved or ever completed. I mean why do we expect so much from such interior creatures. I mean you don't expect a dog to learn how to speak English because its genetically incapable!!

19 May 09, 10:49 youtube comments, 19 May 09, 10:49

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


and what is the reason y things get messed up if a black person is in power?

19 May 09, 10:49 youtube comments, 19 May 09, 10:49

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


fuck "theusualsuspect" most of those intuitions in south Africa are only recognized because they are mostly dominated by white professors. in case you didn't know white people are emigrating from south Africa. and you know whenever black people are in charge things just get fucked up, even if they started with good intentions.

19 May 09, 10:48 youtube comments, 19 May 09, 10:48

Re: I just hate the media about South Africa


I have a suggestion for Black SAs. There's two choices you can follow. One will lead you out of poverty and propel SA as an advanced country. The other will pull you down and destroy you.
The positive one is to grab hold of the opportunity afforded to you by your wonderful institution, such as the great universities and etc.
The negative one is to try to copy the cursed African-American who are purposely been distracted by frivilous things such as entertainment and drug addiction.

19 May 09, 10:48 youtube comments, 19 May 09, 10:48
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