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Couscous Global talking to the chairmen of "Students For McCain" at Miami university on 2-11-2008. A long interview will be online in about two weeks.
djo9c1 This is actually the University of Miami, not Miami University.
jason23296 lol ridiculous
supertroll201 clever
timmyblaze :31 Aww...look at the pudgy little chickenhawk. Too bad he can't help "complete" it. And the guy before him, ...
depotdollars Cuba Libre!!!! Free Cuba!!!abajo fidel!!!abajo con el communismo!!!abajo con el socialismo!!!!! Que Viva Miami!!! Que ...
Nebyu2 that guy with the afro is stupid!!! now ho is the president!!!!
Our young republican friends - Andrea and Harout - share their thoughts on the defeat of sen. McCain in the presidential elections in 2008. They also mention the names of potential republican candidates for the elections in 2012.
sunspotzsz so stupid!
warcamp70 the YOUNG REPUBLICANS were so big and proud in supporting bushes campain , but were was there support when it was war ...
jason23296 I think she got so upset of the defeat she went to the clinic to get an abortion .
STREETLIFE167 umm wonder why its such a tough time to be a rep?
Re: Chairmen of the "Young Republican Students"
jason23296 ridiculous . YOur parents are republicans and you are simply taken after them. You need to work for a living to know ...