Online with a hot-tempered stomach..
I want to share my experiences of last friday with you. As you probably noticed: since than Couscous Global has been online...ow ow ow saberiosiaah!!! That day I started at nine o'clock in the morning with a cup of strong black coffee and some pieces of four-days-old bread.
I know, this is not the most healthy start of the day but I didn't care, I had something else on my mind: GETTING COUSCOUS GLOBAL ONLINE!! I will spare you the specific details of this activity..let's just say I noticed elements of a obsessive-compulsive disorder for the first time of my life. I constantly felt the need of repeating my actions: checking a debate, than a cup of strong black coffee. A phone call to our partners, than a cup of strong black coffee. A meeting with my dearest colleagues Maartje and Tarik, than a cup of strong black coffee..
At the end of the day my stomach was so turbulent that it got his own obsessive-compulsive disorder on the toilet.
Don't understand me wrong dear reader, I was not depressed, joyless or down. In fact, I had the time of my life!! I finally felt that our Couscous Global project was taking shape after two month of preparation. With a smelly stinky mouth and a hot-tempered stomach I start drinking with my colleagues Maartje and Tarik, celebrating the start of a new sweet!!
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