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Midnight talk with Wei wei and Been

2 o'clock at night in room 101
17-08-2008 Bejng

Wei wei is making music. He writes his own lyrics and loves soft pop music.
What do you write about?

Wei wei:
About my soul and the pain I have. I feel lonely, lots of my friends feel lonely. Our parents want us to work and earn a lot of money, but we just want to make music, hang out and feel our souls.
The parents do not understand us and so we all feel lonely. But if I make music, that all disappears, it is beautiful and I am happy.
But I do not know how long I can go on with my music. Lots of my friends gave up music and became serious. In the end we all have to be serious?

When is that I ask?

Wei wei:
When I get married and will have my one child. Than you have to start being serious.

From the website of a tvshow about Chinese young generation:

China's young generation is riding a wave of prosperity and globalization. And this generation of Chinese youth includes more "only children" than anywhere else on earth. About 100 million of them have been born since China enacted its one-child policy, 27 years ago. One child per family has become the norm in the cities. And parents have poured all their resources and hopes into these only children.

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