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  • News

    03-09-09 VOTE FOR US!

    September 3th, 2009, posted by: Tarik

    Dear friends, we hereby want to ask you for your help. One of our videos 'A Feel Good Movie About Iran' has been submitted to a contest and of course we really, really, really wanna win. And we need YOUR help in order to win.

    'A Feel Good Movie About Iran' has been nominated for the viewers choice award @ Holland Doc and we want to ask you to vote for us! It's really simple: send with 'Publieksprijs NOFF‏' as a subject and of course the name of our movie 'A Feel Good Movie About Iran' (in the body of the mail that is.) Vote for us and we'll be very, very, very grateful. :) Thank you in advance!

    I'll just leave this message up here for good measure.....

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