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Showing postings by maartje nevejan | Show all posts
Cannes, France
October 29th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
[youtube UxYuy6pmxqA]]
Travelling to the Emmy Award Nomination at the MIPCOM.[
We did not win the last round. Too bad, but I did found out that a nomination alone is already opening lots of doors.
During the few days on the biggest TV market in the world , I felt my mood change every hour.
Yes, it is pssible to feel like a big succes and an hour later as a complete failure. One hour you are surrounded by the nicest people, the next hour you feel utterly alone.I did meet wonderful new people, tried to sell the series to whatever global network, talked to the bosses of Youtube(thanks Chad) daily motion, bebo etc.
As a startup, happy with every 100 visttors, I felt like a complete wacko if they talk in millions and billions vistors per day.
Well, whatever, I had time to listen to great presentations and also to party or stroll alone in the streets. During the latest I hang out with these Frenbch streetdancers on the Croisette, next to the Grand Hotel. They made my day:):):) -
Vagina monologue Palin
October 2th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
]Subject: Eve Ensler on Sarah Palin / Author of Vagina MonologuesI am having Sarah Palin nightmares. I dreamt last night that she was member of a club where they rode snowmobiles and wore the claws of drowned and starved polar bears around their necks. I have a particular thing for Polar Bears. Maybe it's their snowy whiteness or their bigness or the fact that they live in the arctic or that I have never seen one in person or touched one. Maybe it is the fact that th...
painting elephants
September 28th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
]Peace Village, New York
27/28 september 2008, midnightOn the Images and Voices of hope summit 2008, I am listning to all kind of giants of the media industry. People who want to bring change in the world through their work. The actual real giants were in one of the stories:
we saw a documentary about a charity organization dedicated to saving the diminishing number of Asian Elephants on our planet. The animals take care now of themselves and their former bosses by painting artworks.... Look at the concentration, it just was mindblowing.... -
We are winning in Iraq
September 27th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
a clip from the tv debate, the first one between obama and maccain shot bt Maartje in Woodstock, USA.....
first debat on tv in usa
September 27th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
Haines Falls, USA 26 sept 2008
Looking at te first debat after having a showcase of all the presidential tv debates and interviews with the ex presidents talking about them years later....very funny stuff....
How interesting how all the Americans are all openly against the war on Iraq against Bush, and how much this all changed in 4 years. I saw a sticker the other night with the text:" I was against Bush before it was cool..." Sort of says it all.
About the debate: Obama beiing much stronger in body and word language....the man stays unbelievable....weird remarks though about Pakistan....would he really go in there? Well I am sure yiu will all fin the foorage on the net, Youtubeis very slow tonight, can not get the stuff uploaded....more tomorrow, going to crash.....goodnight, and for the others who are just getting up:" have a nice day" -
Sasha from NYC
September 25th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
From now o, Sasha wil keep us posted about elections and life in NYC......welcome Ssha....this is her frst movie, so you can all see who she is..........I filmed her tody on Broadway.....
September 12th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
Ritsaert ten Cate (artist/director/organizer/teacher/writer etc.)was the creator and director of the Mickery, an extraordinary centre of energy in international theatre. He was also the founding father of DasArts Artschool in Amsterdam.
"We are what we imagine. The greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined.”The old man died. We cremated him yesterday and drank all night long. Even after his death he filled us with inspiration. Thank you.
Ritsaert inspired, discovered, and encouraged many people in the Arts from many countries.
He had the rare gift of liking it if people changed their forms. He cheered people in transformation, people growing out of an image of self into another part of themselves. Changing media, changing forms, changing professions:......while in transformation hav... -
September 9th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
Amsterdam 9-9-8
I KNOW, friends is soooooooo Maccain, but anyway,
We have had problems with getting the Chinese subtiteld. It all took to long so we changed partners for it and since this morning we have them!!!!
We have them in Word, so Tarik is putting them now in the subtitlemenu himself.
End of this week your debates will be on the site....
so stay put...have patience....we will overcome....:)xxx
m... -
Opening Duintjes CS
September 3th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
Couscousglobal is part of a Creative Building in the heart of Amsterdam which was opened and baptized today as DuintjerCS.
In the past it was the HQ of the ABN/AMRO Bank, now it is for 1,5 years the house of the Creative Nomad Industry Amsterdam who is able to use the building for 1,5 years. Most of the people came from the famous PostCSbuilding.
We are very happy to be part of the building thanks to Zwarts&Jansma who gave us a room.here you can see the alderman Caroline Gehrels, Cuture/Media/Sport of Amsterdam, opening the building in her charming flamboyant style.
Happy everyday to you
August 24th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan
saying goodbye to Beijing
Time to say goodbye.
Never thought Beijing would be such a cool place.
I already miss it.
Thank you so much everyone who helped us and participated.
We will go back to Amsterdam now, and edit all the film material and put it on line.
Pleasae register in our community and make your profile so we can keep you posted.
Thank you people from the Yahstudio, Vinvent who will continue Couscousglobal in Singapore in november, thank you Been, Amanda, Ji...