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Happy everyday to you

saying goodbye to Beijing


Time to say goodbye.
Never thought Beijing would be such a cool place.
I already miss it.
Thank you so much everyone who helped us and participated.
We will go back to Amsterdam now, and edit all the film material and put it on line.
Pleasae register in our community and make your profile so we can keep you posted.
Thank you people from the Yahstudio, Vinvent who will continue Couscousglobal in Singapore in november, thank you Been, Amanda, Jimmy, Sheng sheng, Xao Min, Jeroen, Waling, all the bands, all the participants in the discussions and all the rest of the crowds we met.
CouscousGlobal exists only 2 weeks now, we already have 5 countries participating on the site, and visited our first country: China. We go back, nervous about what to do next, how to make the best of all you guys work and debates...Please let us know if you have any idears....
We could'nt have picked a better place to start our Global network.
All the ideas about you in China, that you would not participate, could not debate , that it would be dangereous, etc etc, proved to be false. I do not know if it is ignorance or a deliberate way to scare us about you as an upcoming country . There are lots of things we did not see, people we have not met , not focussed on, Lots of layers, lots of things to say, but for now 我爱北京 I love Beijing.....
We will be back!!!!

She she