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Some headlines China Daily

what is in it besides who won and who lost?
19/20 august.

Today everybody in China is sad because the Chinese superstar athlets Liu Xiang was injured at the last moment. His picture is on all newspapers and everybody is talking about it. Lots of tears about the biggest hope for China to win a gold medal in the Birds Nest.

Yesterday I talked with a man from Guiné Bissau, Africa ,who was behind the Internet next to me in the Hotellobby. He was checking the newspapers “back home” to see what they wrote about his daughter from Guine, who also fell with the hurdles…"She trained for 17 years to get to he Olympics," as he put it "and it was over for her in 5 sec."


Air above Beijing the best in 10 years.
And this will stay until long after the Olympics they hope.
But than: all building activities have stopped, cars are limited, there are less tourists than usual(hard visa’s).
Last year Beijing had only 2 days of good air(no pollution) Now already 10.

Tthere is ta big story of a Palestinian swimmer. She never trained in an Olympic pool, she only had a pool of 15 meters in her town and the Israelies would not let her train in their Olympic pool, she had no trainer but she still managed to get to Beijing.. The day before the openingsceremony she swam for the first time in her life in an Olympic pool. She ended I think as number 38 but according to the China Daily she won the real gold medal.
A day later they write sort of the same story about the Palesinian runner Nader Al Masri” running from a warzone”.