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Editors blog

Just some stories of the people behind the scenes

This blog gives us the freedom of speech!!!! If you are wondering who we are, what we love, what we hate, where we are and what our dirtiest fantasies are...READ THIS COUSCOUS GLOBAL BLOG NOW!!!!!

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  • An excellent 2009!

    December 31th, 2008, posted by:

    Is this to small for you...well, here you can read the same article but then BIGGER!!!!

  • News

    My writersblog

    September 1th, 2008, posted by:


    Dear blogreaders,

    Last friday I was at the Amsterdam International Community School to film a debate between ten students over there. The first part of this debate wasn't exactly my best part. I was nervously trying to be the new Larry King, but I wasn't at all. In fact, I looked more like Jerry Springer without glasses. The more I was running, yelling and squeezing them, the more they were nervously reading their arguments from little notes... Not a good situation to film a interesti...

  • News

    Online with a hot-tempered stomach..


    August 12th, 2008, posted by:


    I want to share my experiences of last friday with you. As you probably noticed: since than Couscous Global has been online...ow ow ow saberiosiaah!!! That day I started at nine o'clock in the morning with a cup of strong black coffee and some pieces of four-days-old bread.
    I know, this is not the most healthy start of the day but I didn't care, I had something else on my mind: GETTING COUSCOUS GLOBAL ONLINE!! I will spare you the specific details of this activity..let's just say I noti...

  • News

    Massage salon Ying Mei

    August 5th, 2008, posted by:

    maartje nevejan -

    Amsterdam 4-8-8


    Amsterdam, Massage beauty salon Ying Mei

    After 4 weeks in te South of Europe I am coming back to my neigboorhood: in Amsterdam.: the red light district or what is left of it.

    I am reading the papers, not only of today, but of the last 4 week. They are all full of Beijng , the sports, the streets, the polution, the human rights.
    My head is spinning of all the warnings, all the “be careful of”stories.
    In 10 days I will be in Beijng.

    The red l...

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