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Editors blog

Just some stories of the people behind the scenes

This blog gives us the freedom of speech!!!! If you are wondering who we are, what we love, what we hate, where we are and what our dirtiest fantasies are...READ THIS COUSCOUS GLOBAL BLOG NOW!!!!!

  • News

    hip and young or what?

    Present your movie on Couscous Global!

    August 14th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    Spotted in Ghost street in Beijing >

    Gabrielle writes some more:
    While sitting waiting for our dinner, we were intrigued by these two couples sitting next to us. How cool they looked. This was Maartjes first taste of the young and the hip in Beijing. Don't you agree that they look pretty gorgeous? Even though they look very fashion conscious and pretty cool man....when I asked to take their picture, they were very very shy. (But I think they liked it ;-))
    They gave us their phonenumbers so we hope they can join us ne...