The title for today`s update: 'Voters and Coffee'. It might be a somewhat odd title for a news update but believe me! It makes sense. One certain company is jumping on the voting bandwagon since the presidential elections in America are less than two weeks away. This particular company sells cups of coffee for example. These days they`re selling it in blue and red cups: Blue for Obama, red for McCain.
Customers can fill up a cup with the name of their preferred candidate. People that don `t want to do this (perhaps you`re an independent voter) can use a 'neutral' one which carries the name of a well known soda brand. Well known in the west at least.
The number of red and blue cups that are sold are counted and an electoral poll is based on these figures.
A cool thing that the past has taught us is......that the number of sold cups of coffee (in percentages) comes real close to the actual outcome of the elections! Check out this article in Dallas News: They were pretty close in 2000 and 2004.
Anyway, I`m ranting for too long. Here`s the URL of the company I mentioned earlier: MMMMM. Coffee and voting, Isn`t that tasty? The coffee that is! Voting important, but I wouldn`t call it tasty.
New video`s coming soon!