Comments on this site
Re: Comments on this site
The last comment by beforenightfalls, I'd like you to address it when you get a chance.
Obama can't do this alone. He made that clear. And neither can we.
I'm tired of hearing how he's likely to be offed without a plan b.
Once again, I'm just a nobody, and if there is an internal threat among O, then someone would have a problem with me telling people NOT to riot, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Because you and I certainly know what the outcome of that situation would be. We don't want that. Congress and the like can figure it out. They're just as nervous as we are.
Cause even if Obama turns out to be the fakest mf we've ever known, we KNOW we cannot go back for another 4 with the option at this current time.
Thank you for your concern. Your videos rock.
And I'm sorry that I'm faceless and do not comment on them.
So yeah, when you get a chance. I know you'll know what to say to his response to me.
Btw, If you make a video with the message to keep the peace, I will gladly comment.
Re: Comments on this site
It's nice to see your face
And why I sent you a request. I should be signed in every day until the 22nd. No exceptions. Let's look out for each other.
Her dreams are magnificent. I had a friend who feels deeply that Sarah Palin is the prophecized whore of babylon.
He had a euphoric feeling, like a mass of energy that happened to be in a body, for four days after waking up from a dream, which was the day after she came out of nowhere, announced as vp pick, and felt the bodily euphoria such that it began to scare him. He never touched a substance for weeks before hand and does not lie. You cannot get high in a dream.
Not important that you believe it, but it was he who ignited the "rumor" she's really talking about that she hates so much, because no one was saying it. He sealed all of his online presence up and moved away..
Keep a look out. Couldn't hurt.
And if all is ok, I scared people into..
being closer?
I want them to remain calm.
Re: Comments on this site
"Yeah, great concept... i like the debates
Which one of my videos did you see?"
Re: Comments on this site
So, i watched you site and coomunity, but srill i don`t understand the main idea of your project. You are collectes some stuff with young people, with their opinion of politic, and what later?
With much regard Ilya Presnyakov"
Re: Comments on this site
Kenny Beggs:
"Hi Erik, thanks for your message and the link. I found the debates interesting. After visiting the country its easy to sympathise with many of its people who see emigration as their only way to a better life although it is admirable(a touch naive maybe?) of those who wish to stand their ground and nurture homegrown talent and look to 'build a nation' . I was only there for a few weeks and in spite of the (very real) horror stories of tribal unrest, poverty and corruption, there was still an overwhelming sense of a people that possess the very spirit and will required to climb the mountains they and their neighbours are facing. "
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oomb Paine:
"thanks for joining!"
Re: Comments on this site
Young & Direct Cinema:
"thanks much! I will be sure to check you guys out! Thanks for stopping by!!