Passion: Musicians of Tehran: part 2/3
This is the second part in a three part series of interviews we had with musicians from Tehran, Iran. In this part: Maral singer/songwriter of the band The Plastic Wave.
Contains excerpts of the songs 'The Ladder in my Blood' by Scott Kelly, plus two tracks by The Plastic Wave: 'My Clothes on Other Bodies' and Autotomy.
Re: Passion: Musicians of Tehran: part 2/3
Several minutes ago, I watched a documentary TV program which introduces your protest against exclusive Islamic cultures. I am truly impressed by you. You are a true artist. Although you are far away from me, (Seoul, South Korea - Tehran, Iran) I sincerely cheer you... Good Luck ! Maral...
Re: Passion: Musicians of Tehran: part 2/3
Good for you guys!! Keep up the good job. Hope that you can get out of there.
Re: Passion: Musicians of Tehran: part 2/3
"The soul of the music is like having sex." Best quote ever.
Re: Passion: Musicians of Tehran: part 2/3
Why don't you come to California, the Heart of Rock music? I wish we visit you in Los Angeles!
Re: Passion: Musicians of Tehran: part 2/3
Guys, toronto is another promising distance for u guys ;) What u've been doing in Iran is adorable ...
Re: Passion: Musicians of Tehran: part 2/3
hey that was really great guys, keep it up, i'm the big fan from now on :)