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First of all we would like to welcome our latest members - that`s how we do it here at Couscous Global - Hyejung Yang and Robert Estlinbaum. Whassup for today? Your's truly had a few thoughts about the American elections. I molded them altogether into a blogpost. You can read it here.

It also seems that our video which features our friend Adam/Steve from Birmingham (the one in England, not America) is turning into a Youtube hit. WHOOHOO! The man is turning into a culthero. You can watch the video here. Be sure to check out the sequals too. Here`s the second part of the interview and this is what happened the day after.

We also have our own channels on Bebo and Facebook now. Hop on by, drop us a line and become our friend. We like that, we really do! Friends are good! Maartje will soon return to Amsterdam with lots and loads and lots (!) of new footage from Miami. For those that have been sleeping under a rock: she was there to report about the elections.

Anyway, that's what's up for today. It's fridaynight by now so enjoy your weekend and don't do anything that I wouldn't do. HUH HUHHUUUUUUH! And have a good weekend.