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Answer from Iran to Harout's question

"What is it like to be Armenian in Iran?" Here you can watch the answer on the question of Harout...


Re: Answer from Iran to Harout's question


There are much more than 100,000 Armenians in Iran, and they are all over, not just in Tehran.

8 July 09, 15:01 youtube comments, 8 July 09, 15:01

Re: Answer from Iran to Harout's question


we LOVE Islamic republic of IRAN.
good bless all Iranian and iran.
old great nation from aterpaten to persian golf.
1,700 000 square kilometers.

8 July 09, 14:39 youtube comments, 8 July 09, 14:39

Re: Answer from Iran to Harout's question


My best friends in school and the university was Armenians, always came to our house and ate with us, and we went to their home as well. It was a warm a friendly feelings bet ween all of us. i still remember few words in the Armenian language.

22 May 09, 13:01 youtube comments, 22 May 09, 13:01

Re: Answer from Iran to Harout's question


What would you mean? You don't know who your mommy and daddy is?

22 May 09, 13:01 youtube comments, 22 May 09, 13:01

Re: Answer from Iran to Harout's question


So cool that you can trace back your ancestry! How did you do that?

22 May 09, 13:01 youtube comments, 22 May 09, 13:01

Re: Answer from Iran to Harout's question


Im an Armenian who was born in Iran, my ancestry has been there since 1604. Even though I only lived there for the first 9 years of my life, never once did I see any discrimination or disrespect from any Iranian due to my race or religion. I think from all the middle eastern countries who have Armenians, Iran has treated its Armenians the best, sometimes better than its own people. A lot of negative has been said about Iran, but the positives need to be mentioned as well.

22 May 09, 13:00 youtube comments, 22 May 09, 13:00
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