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An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


Re: An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


hahaha Athiest gossips usa Athiest gossips lol

21 Apr 09, 10:56 youtube comments, 21 Apr 09, 10:56

Re: An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


I think you are asking the wrong person about hijab ,not just that she wears it wrong she doesn't even know the meaning of it, ask a proper Muslim woman and better not be Iranian

21 Apr 09, 10:35 youtube comments, 21 Apr 09, 10:35

Re: An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


whats ironic about the video and the woman is that she is a daughter of a priest and according to the bible you have to wear a hijab/burka

6 Apr 09, 10:35 youtube comments, 6 Apr 09, 10:35

Re: An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


What a nice dutch accent(repoter) :)

1 Apr 09, 10:49 youtube comments, 1 Apr 09, 10:49

Re: An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


u make no sense to me!!! u jumb from one subject to another one, u made me so confused.

27 Mar 09, 11:09 youtube comments, 27 Mar 09, 11:09

Re: An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


This is something, I live in Boston, and most people love the way the Burqa/Hijab looks on people. If it wasn't religious, I'd probably wear one. I like the way she wears hers, I mean, she isn't even completely covered.

27 Mar 09, 11:09 youtube comments, 27 Mar 09, 11:09

Re: An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


im sorry, but you guys do know that the hijab is mandatory for woman to wear in iran, its the law.

24 Mar 09, 12:09 youtube comments, 24 Mar 09, 12:09

Re: An answer to Sofie's question: 'are you protected in a burqa'


These western people are so dumb ass.

23 Feb 09, 11:35 youtube comments, 23 Feb 09, 11:35
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