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People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland

I wake up every morning and think: "This could be the day that they send me back to Afghanistan"


Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland

Hello , i dont think that Afghans been tortured in Netherland or any other European country unless they have commited a real bad crimes . now days Afghanistan situation is getting worse.
people get killed by both Terrorists and the International forces. like when a dirty suicide bomber appears and blow his butt kills many innocent poeple. then when the International forces
have air strike sometimes they miss their target and drope the bomb on somebodys home. this is why Afghans have no other choice except to the Afghan poeple dont come here for fun .

25 Mar 10, 11:54 sohrab, 25 Mar 10, 11:54

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


Damn..she looked marriage material...I don't mind marrying her and bring her in Australia and guarantee her the citizenship

10 Sept 09, 13:31 youtube comments, 10 Sept 09, 13:31

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


fine we will not give them dope

10 Sept 09, 13:08 youtube comments, 10 Sept 09, 13:08

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


hey people i understan that family should stay together but those people you killed alot of people in afghanistan and now they are living a fancy life in europe is this fare ?? they should be jadged keep it up HOLLAND

5 Aug 09, 13:10 youtube comments, 5 Aug 09, 13:10

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


afghans are traveling and leaving their home
becoz the bad situation in afghanistan

and big butted wahhabies (arabs,pakistanies) supporting (jihad,destroying,taliban,alqada) in afghanistan since 1979 to 2009......

21 July 09, 15:29 youtube comments, 21 July 09, 15:29

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


they are right the only afghans that are not allowed in Holland are the ones with criminal records,connection with former mujahideen factions,ex communist regime of Afghanistan so why is everyone in here talking shit holland is not treating all afghans in bad way only ones with list i posted above thy r the ones getting treatd bad

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21 July 09, 15:27 youtube comments, 21 July 09, 15:27

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


u r really the son of bitch ...iam telling u man not that gilr ........u r donkey u should be shame by taking this nonsense about afghans ....u son of a ashole fuck your self

7 July 09, 13:23 youtube comments, 7 July 09, 13:23

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


just like how holland ppl or any white person is not liked in afganistan, and cannot get a citizenship, why should holland have to give afgans citizenship...if the dutch do torture and r not fair, by all means afgans have a choice to go back home. thank you

22 May 09, 11:23 youtube comments, 22 May 09, 11:23

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


all afghans take out holland ppl from afghanistan......close there officessssss in afghanistan

7 May 09, 11:50 youtube comments, 7 May 09, 11:50

Re: People from Afghanistan not allowed in Holland


good job afghans

7 May 09, 11:50 youtube comments, 7 May 09, 11:50
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