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Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran

This film was made by our Afghan friends who reside in Tehran. (For reference see: and I believe this video is about the memory of (or should I say remembering) Imam Husayn. We're not sure since we can't speak or read their language. Please correct us if we're wrong (send us a message for example) since we do want to give an accurate description. And If there's anyone out there that can (and wants to) help us translate: send us a message. :)


Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran


Are they from Afghanistan???!!! No they aren't! I do come from Afghanistan and as far as I know they aren't.

21 Sept 09, 16:13 youtube comments, 21 Sept 09, 16:13

Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran


You don't get it. Its just a way of praying or trying to connect to The Highest One. Don't be scared of thinks you don't know. ____Yours is not the only way.

31 Aug 09, 12:54 youtube comments, 31 Aug 09, 12:54

Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran


I think this is one of those very early David Bowie tunes....and they love him in Iran and Iraq!

31 Aug 09, 12:49 youtube comments, 31 Aug 09, 12:49

Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran

True. But the people who made this video are Afghans. Just so you know.

27 July 09, 17:29 youtube comments, 27 July 09, 17:29

Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran


they r not afghan!!!

27 July 09, 17:27 youtube comments, 27 July 09, 17:27

Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran


spiritual frenzy for war against the .......... - like when the natives in Africa get spirit possessed?
Makes them feel unified, but is the unity based on truth?

16 July 09, 13:56 youtube comments, 16 July 09, 13:56

Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran



8 July 09, 15:17 youtube comments, 8 July 09, 15:17

Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran


what the hell ?
is this apart of islam ?

8 July 09, 15:15 youtube comments, 8 July 09, 15:15

Re: Another video by our Afghan friends in Tehran


God bless u all!

8 July 09, 15:07 youtube comments, 8 July 09, 15:07