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Editors blog

Just some stories of the people behind the scenes

This blog gives us the freedom of speech!!!! If you are wondering who we are, what we love, what we hate, where we are and what our dirtiest fantasies are...READ THIS COUSCOUS GLOBAL BLOG NOW!!!!!

  • News

    Reaction on our Hit Vid Brittish journalist

    November 12th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    maartje nevejan -


    “The drunk journalist case”

    We have a Hit Vid for the last 5 days. Must admit that I did not know what it was when I first read this word.
    Anyway we are all over the Internet in at least 3 continents now. USA, Europe and Australia. Bloggers report us on what sites we are….just heard that we are now on the biggest news site in Switzerland…in German….
    Numerous sites are “ cutting and pasting us, baby”. But we are proud of it.:)

    Must say that I did not sle...

  • News

    Goodbye Miami

    November 7th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    maartje nevejan -


    In an hour I will be in the airport to go home again.....
    It was the most exiting, moving and funny week in a Miami I began to love.
    The last 2 hours I spend with Rochelle, the woman who made a lot possible this week. But most of all, she was the icing on the cake of this week. She brought tears in my eyes while telling about her rebel years and how Kennedy was their Obama at he time and how for he, as for all of us now, it feels that all the good can happen again.
    How Obama ,...

  • News

    Electoral aftermath

    November 7th, 2008, posted by: Tarik

    Tarik -

    Today is the seventh of november, 2008. George W Bush is still president of the USA, although he`s probably planning his relocation to his home in Texas by now. Time for the new guy, the new commander in chief. The campaigns have ran - correct me if I`m wrong - for twenty months. They're over now, that's a relief to some, and perhaps a pain to others.

    I was reading the local newspaper a few days ago and I stumbled upon this story. The reporter interviewed a woman who worked in a shopping mall at an airport. There was a tv next to her cashiers desk which blasted election news all day long and it wasn't making her happy to say the least. She heard just about every speech from both candidates. In fact; she stated that she would be able to give her own speech on just about every topic that was important in this presidential race. She's probabl...

  • News

    The day after

    November 6th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    maartje nevejan -

    miami 5/6 november

    Miami, USA, 5/6 november

    As Alex wrote so beautifully it was a great night. For the whole world….It was truly fantastic to get the emails from Kenya, Amsterdam and Beijing as meeting so many people from other countries
    The symbolic meaning of Obama, man with so many roots in so many countries, religions and cultures, is beyond measurement.
    I even filmed a girl from South Korea who hoped that since he connects the black and white he might also connect North and South Kore...

  • News

    4 november

    November 4th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

  • News

    Liberty-city Miami

    November 4th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    maartje nevejan -


    Obama’s grandmother died.
    We were in a diner on Washinton Avenue when it happened and instantly filmed the reactions.
    How weird.
    First we made a picture of the tv :winning mood Obama was in now
    Than we had a Coke and filmed the tv: grandmother dies of Obama.
    Coming in the hotel: on TV: Obama 48%, McCain 46 %.

    News changes every half hour.
    How is this man coping with all this in his life?

    This morning we were in the Gwen Educational Center at Li...

  • News

    We meet McCain at Miami University

    November 3th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    3-11- 2008

    One day to go for decisionday..
    And again Florida will be decisive...The state is preparing itself with the ame regulations as with a hurricane.
    I spend the whole day at Miami University with Alex Pixly as my wonderful assistant to talk with the Republican students and meet McCain at the rally at midnight.
    Check out he movies…

    This morning in the Miami Herald:
    Florida Polls McCain: 46% Obama: 50%
    Nation. Polls McCain: 46 % Obama: 53%...

  • News

    Miami Obama day

    November 2th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    maartje nevejan -


    Having a gigantic breakfast, while hearing mostly French and Spanish, so much French in Miami, or is it Cajun?Why?
    Today we filmed at obama headquarters in Soutbeach Miami....a real cool place with real friendly people.
    The long interviews will be on line in a week or three. But the short films are already on the website, check them out at comments of the motion of Obama....
    My niece Alex is my PA this week, she is having her gap-year after highschool, 18 years old and half A...

  • News

    Miami, USA

    November 1th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    maartje nevejan -


    Arriving in Miami, first time. The wind is with me, we arrive 1,5 hours early because of it. On he airport I only hear Spanish and see mostly coloured and black people. I feel immidiatly at home. I guess it is that Obama virus. You feel included because you are diffrent, like him. Or in this case: everyone looks diffrent, talks diffrent languages, so I am no diffrent than the rest.
    In the taxi to the hotel I am struck b the skyline of Miami....I feel like I am in an episode of CSI. It is...

  • News

    Cannes, France

    October 29th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    maartje nevejan -

    [youtube UxYuy6pmxqA]]

    Travelling to the Emmy Award Nomination at the MIPCOM.[
    We did not win the last round. Too bad, but I did found out that a nomination alone is already opening lots of doors.
    During the few days on the biggest TV market in the world , I felt my mood change every hour.
    Yes, it is pssible to feel like a big succes and an hour later as a complete failure. One hour you are surrounded by the nicest people, the next hour you feel utterly alone.

    I did meet wonderful new people, tried to sell the series to whatever global network, talked to the bosses of Youtube(thanks Chad) daily motion, bebo etc.
    As a startup, happy with every 100 visttors, I felt like a complete wacko if they talk in millions and billions vistors per day.
    Well, whatever, I had time to listen to great presentations and also to party or stroll alone in the streets. During the latest I hang out with these Frenbch streetdancers on the Croisette, next to the Grand Hotel. They made my day:):):)

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