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Editors blog

Just some stories of the people behind the scenes

This blog gives us the freedom of speech!!!! If you are wondering who we are, what we love, what we hate, where we are and what our dirtiest fantasies are...READ THIS COUSCOUS GLOBAL BLOG NOW!!!!!

  • News

    Midnight talk with Wei wei and Been

    August 17th, 2008, posted by: maartje nevejan

    maartje nevejan -

    2 o'clock at night in room 101
    17-08-2008 Bejng

    Wei wei is making music. He writes his own lyrics and loves soft pop music.
    What do you write about?

    Wei wei:
    About my soul and the pain I have. I feel lonely, lots of my friends feel lonely. Our parents want us to work and earn a lot of money, but we just want to make music, hang out and feel our souls.
    The parents do not understand us and so we all feel lonely. But if I make music, that all disappears, it is beautiful and I am happy.
    But I do not know how long ...