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Watch movies of debates from young people all over the world, drop your comments and be inspired to film yourself..more about us

Download the summary of a year worth of antics here and here

trailer for IDFA : couscous global. Phase one: 8-8-8 till 9-9-9

  • News

    10-09-09 Last notice

    September 10th, 2009, posted by: Tarik

    Here's a quickie: social media loonies n fiends! Ahoy! Are you a Facebook fanatic? A Twitter addict? If so: then listen up. The Twitter festival aka Twestival starts today. It's a worldwide event where Twittering, fund raising and partying go hand in hand. Yessirree Bob! Money that's made with this party is being donated to charity; partying with a good conscience so to say.....if that's your gig anyways.

    The most nearby party for me is in Amsterdam. Check out this link for a location near you.

    And in the meantime be sure to vote for our video 'A Feel Good Movie About Iran' at the NOFF here.

    Voting instructions for all non Dutch folks (the site is in Dutch): scroll down to the part which says 'STEM... NU OP JE FAVORIETE FILM' and click the tab 'Stemmen' and scroll through the movies with the arrow key. Once you've found ours: give a thumbs up. Or two! Thanks again!"

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